Over the last few months, I’ve had the pleasure of voicing:
- 3 characters in a friend’s short film (I.e. an inappropriately perky news reporter during a disaster)
- A vulnerable character’s estranged mother in a series of emotional voicemails during a live play, and
- A narrator sharing the good news of a medical breakthrough for a web project
Although I specialize in a lovely variety of voice-over skills (commercial, animation, Audiobooks, video games), it’s wonderful when new creative ventures present themselves.
When you find yourself having a quiet audition/demo request/self-tape week, think about other ways that you can use your voice – whether it’s volunteering your services for a table read of a friend’s film or play or volunteering your voice services for a Public Service Announcement (only with your agent/union’s permission, of course).
This can be a great way to get more experience, to take more risks creatively and to gather material for a future demo reel.
Pay attention on your social media platforms for announcements about play reading groups or cold reads.
If the invitation sparks a good feeling, or even an I’m not sure if this is in my comfort zone but it sounds like a cool challenge kind of feeling, trust that impulse and give it a try.
This is also a great way to build new relationships and to feel like you’re taking control of your career.
Until next time,